"Children need systems that are inclusive and driven by them, systems that will enable them to respond to their feelings and needs at any time." --

Most of the children who leave their houses due to their family problems and other reasons, become suffer of depression, anxiety and the sense of loneliness because they think they have no support with them at the time of trouble. Many of these children find shelter in shrines of data darbar ,as data darbar is abode of baggers and drug addicted people. These runaway youth do engage in violent behaviour, gangs, criminal activities and become drug addicted, so these children spend their future life in a cycle of deprivation, crime, bad habits, drugs. Some of them find their shelter at railway terminus, surviving through begging, theft or hawking goods on the platform. there are many runaway children who spend their earned money on drugs heroin or cocaine.


These children face abuse, torture at the hands of society. whenever these children need our help we just ignore them just like a spare furniture in our home. so due to our ignorance they become rude and get involved in criminal activities. these children may also involved in sexual abuse activities. These children are force by their gangs to sniff glue and it is seen that activity of glue sniffing has increased among runaway children as It is cheapor it is easily available.The following is the activities and occupation of these children..

Collecting and selling waste paper, plastic etc.
Cleaning cars
Selling water, sweets, biscuits etc.
Selling newspapers and flowers
Begging, pick pocketing, stealing
Working in roadside stalls

There are many NGO'S and other organization who are working on this issue eg pechan, vision etc. Many these organizations and Ngo's are involve providing capacity, buildings, services to these children and they also trying to train and provide staff for them.

1 Response
  1. Ayesha Says:

    yeahh truee!!!

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